Balanced reduced order model of sys of a given order. States are eliminated based on Hankel singular value.
Parameters: | sys: StateSpace
orders: integer or array of integer
method: string
Returns: | rsys: StateSpace
Raises: | ValueError
>>> rsys = balred(sys, order, method='truncate')
Calculate the Hankel singular values.
Parameters: | sys : StateSpace
Returns: | H : Matrix
See also
The Hankel singular values are the singular values of the Hankel operator. In practice, we compute the square root of the eigenvalues of the matrix formed by taking the product of the observability and controllability gramians. There are other (more efficient) methods based on solving the Lyapunov equation in a particular way (more details soon).
>>> H = hsvd(sys)
Model reduction of sys by eliminating the states in ELIM using a given method.
Parameters: | sys: StateSpace
ELIM: array
method: string
Returns: | rsys: StateSpace
Raises: | ValueError
>>> rsys = modred(sys, ELIM, method='truncate')