Bode plot for a system
Plots a Bode plot for the system over a (optional) frequency range.
Parameters: | syslist : linsys
omega : freq_range
dB : boolean
Hz : boolean
deg : boolean
Plot : boolean
*args, **kwargs:
Returns: | mag : array (list if len(syslist) > 1)
phase : array (list if len(syslist) > 1)
omega : array (list if len(syslist) > 1)
1. Alternatively, you may use the lower-level method (mag, phase, freq) = sys.freqresp(freq) to generate the frequency response for a system, but it returns a MIMO response.
2. If a discrete time model is given, the frequency response is plotted along the upper branch of the unit circle, using the mapping z = exp(j omega dt) where omega ranges from 0 to pi/dt and dt is the discrete time base. If not timebase is specified (dt = True), dt is set to 1.
>>> sys = ss("1. -2; 3. -4", "5.; 7", "6. 8", "9.")
>>> mag, phase, omega = bode(sys)
Nyquist plot for a system
Plots a Nyquist plot for the system over a (optional) frequency range.
Parameters: | syslist : list of Lti
omega : freq_range
Plot : boolean
labelFreq : int
*args, **kwargs:
Returns: | real : array
imag : array
freq : array
>>> sys = ss("1. -2; 3. -4", "5.; 7", "6. 8", "9.")
>>> real, imag, freq = nyquist_plot(sys)
Plot the “Gang of 4” transfer functions for a system
Generates a 2x2 plot showing the “Gang of 4” sensitivity functions [T, PS; CS, S]
Parameters: | P, C : Lti
omega : array
Returns: | None |
Nichols plot for a system
Plots a Nichols plot for the system over a (optional) frequency range.
Parameters: | syslist : list of Lti, or Lti
omega : array_like
grid : boolean, optional
Returns: | None |
Compute a reasonable default frequency range for frequency domain plots.
Finds a reasonable default frequency range by examining the features (poles and zeros) of the systems in syslist.
Parameters: | syslist : list of Lti
Returns: | omega : array
>>> from matlab import ss
>>> sys = ss("1. -2; 3. -4", "5.; 7", "6. 8", "9.")
>>> omega = default_frequency_range(sys)